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Top Guidelines for Narrative Statements in a Story or Essay

5 min read
Narrative Statements

Including narrative statements, there are different types of statement writing. And each type has a particular purpose, and specifications as well. These four types of statement writing are given as follows;

  • Descriptive
  • Expository
  • Persuasive
  • Narrative

Form all these writing types, narrative writing is referred to as storytelling. In general, narrative writing includes fictional, as well as factual stories. Here fictional stories are the imaginary ones. You can see its common use in the novels. On the other hand, factual stories are based on something real. It can be your personal experiences, or observations. Factual stories demand proof. In narrative statements the use of factual stories is common. The use of narrative statements plays a role in support for claim as well. This way, it becomes easy to understand the mentioned concept. Here an important point is the sequence of statements. In this type of statement writing, you can ensure a linear, as well as non-linear sequence of writing. Also, you can add stories related to the first, as well as third person.

Steps for Narrative Statements

At graduation and post-graduation levels, the narrative statement is common to write. As per educational level, you can understand how important it is to learn about it. At graduation level, you’re supposed to ensure professionalism in every work. The same narrative statement also demands its righteous use. Here are the steps for writing narrative statement;

Read Instructions

The very first requirement of writing narrative statements is about instructions. You may be asked by the advisor to do something in this context. So read those guidelines in detail. If you skip this step, you may end up with lame writing. Because the style and tone of the statement varies from problem to problem. For example, you may be asked to address a question and provide a solution. Or it can also happen that you’re asked to write an assignment on it. So it varies somehow as per the given requirements.

Brainstorm for Given Topic

For writing narrative statements, you must have a clear understanding of the given topic. If you lack in a basic understanding of the topic, how can you relate the right thing with it. When you understand the topic, it becomes easy to finalise the story. The statement can only be effective when it has some relevance to the main topic. Otherwise, it shows unprofessionalism, and a lack of information.

So after ensuring details and important aspects of the topic, you have to see which story can work well on it. If you have some personal experience of life related to the topic, just add it. You need to be very clear about finalising that story. Why are you adding this story? How is it relevant to the given problem? How can the selected story motivate readers? All these questions are very important to address. Form different ideas, select one, and start writing about it.

Plot Outlines

The third step for writing a narrative statement is considering the plot outlines. It works as a skeleton for your story. In plot outlines, you have to plan in the form of a pyramid. This pyramid must have the following factors within it;

  • Beginning Section
  • Rising Action
  • Climax
  • Falling Action
  • Resolution Section

In the beginning section, you have to introduce the main character of the story. An important point related to character is that he must be having some kind of challenge. Also, you need to add some background information in the introductory section of story. Now in the rising action, you have to address challenge of character. Here the reader gets to know about the main problem. This part leads the reader toward the climax. Climax is the top part of this pyramid. It should work as the most exciting part of a story. It should make the reader curious about rest of the story.

In general, this part changes the view of a story. You can take it as the turning point of your story as well. After climax, the falling part has an explanation of how characters have dealt with the whole situation. This part works as a path for moving towards the conclusion. And finally, resolution is the ending part of story with regards to narrative statements.

Outlines for Narrative Statements

The outlines consist of three parts that are as follows;

  • Introduction
  • Explanting body
  • Conclusion

Each part has a particular role. So you cannot skip anyone of them. There can be many sub-parts of each main part. But you have to be very conscious about data. From the list of different ideas, select one idea, and stick to that. Now you have to add images, as well as a description of the selected idea. You can do that in any one, or all of the sections. However, if you still feel any issue, you can get help from a cheap essay writing service.

Write the First Draft

Now finally, you have to write a draft for the narrative statement. You need to be very careful, and ensure that you don’t go out of the way. For this, you have to follow the designed outlines. First you should work on the whole plan. After that, you can see which part needs amendments. It is your first draft, so you don’t have to spend much time on grammar, and punctuation. Here your concern is all about the right structure, and style of the story. If that is fine, go ahead. And if it doesn’t seem right, change the plan, and work on a new one.

Evaluate your First Draft

In the draft’s evaluation, you have to see each and every aspect of narrative statements. Whatever seems illogical, remove that. If you feel that your points are weak, change the way of writing, and make it strong. Also, remove all the overused statements from your writing. Make sure all three main parts of the story are clear, and understandable. And then ask some expert to read your statement. Ask him to give valuable feedback to you after that. It can be you fellow, teacher, or senior. Also, you can ask your siblings, or parents to assist you within this context.

Final Draft

After getting valuable feedback, rewrite your narrative statement. Read that revised draft carefully. Make sure there are no grammar, or punctuation mistakes. At the end, cross-check your writing guidelines, and make sure you have followed them all.

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